Monday, July 23, 2012


Every year, the Muslims set aside an entire month, called Ramadan, to fast in honor of their religion. During this thirty day period they spend extra time praying and reading the Qur'an. Most Muslims try to read their holy book completely through during Ramadan. Incredibly, some even read through the whole Qur'an thirty times, once each day, over the course of the month.

During Ramadan, no Muslim is allowed food during the day; only after the sun sets are they able to eat. To sustain themselves they often consume a large breakfast before sunrise, and then another meal after sunset.
Clearly the Muslims are dedicated to their holy book and to Allah. As Christians, how can we respond to the month of Ramadan?

The thirty days of Ramadan have just started; the fast for this year goes from July 20 to August 18. How are Christians suppose to respond to this? Should we ignore it? bash Muslims for their beliefs?

Most choose the first option; the vast majority of those in the Christian world either ignore Ramadan or are completely unaware of it to begin with. But if you are reading this post you can no long be ignorant of what these next thirty days are going to be like for the Muslims. What is the proper thing for us to do to help reach these people?

I suggest that every Christian that is able to fast against the Muslim fast. Maybe only a day is all you can do, but it will make a difference if we will fast and pray against this religious observance.

Here's another idea. As the Muslims believe they should read through the entire Qur'an during Ramadan, it would be a worthwhile endeavor for each of us to read through the entire New Testament this coming month. If Muslims are dedicated enough to read through their holy book, which we believe is not the Truth, how much more should we be willing to read through the Bible? I ask each of you to pledge to read the New Testament these next thirty days

And above all, remember the Muslims in your prayers this month. They desperately need Christ; may God help us to reach out to them.

Reagan Schrock, GOA blog manager

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